EMBiz: Unlocking SEO Success: The Role of Backlinks in 2024

Unlocking SEO Success: The Role of Backlinks in 2024
Laurel Mintz
Why Backlinks in 2024 Are Different
Hi, everyone, Laurel Mintz here, CEO of Elevate My Brand. Today we are gonna talk about unlocking SEO success and specifically the role of backlinks in 2024 and how you can be successful with backlinking this year today.
SEO is more complex than ever before. Google is always changing its algorithms. Thanks, Google. So much fun. So let's explore the significance of backlinks and how you can be successful this year. Really, there are three things that we wanna touch upon today linked diversity, influence on rankings and quality assurance.
Link diversity
So first of all, we wanna talk about link diversity, diversity isn't just an old, old wooden ship as Burgundy would say it's not just about the number, but it's also about the relevance quality and authority. So again, back in the day, you could have like a million links and you were like got a lot of links. I'm good now, it's really about the quality of those links, not just the number.
Backlink quality
Second, it's about the influence on rankings, it's about the quality of backlinks which still really signal your trust authority to search engines and that's what Google and other search engines' jobs are, is to say as a consumer, hey, I'm looking for this one thing, making sure that you are a high authority site and giving you as a consumer what you're looking for. So our job as a brand or as a company is to make sure that you have high authority with those links so that Google and other search engines are serving you as a consumer exactly what you're looking for.
Auditing backlinks
The third thing is making sure that you on the brand or company side are using quality assurance tools techniques and timing to make sure that you are doing regular audits and disavowing meaning going in and saying, oh, that is a bad link. That is a toxic link. That is a link coming from a click farm that is actually hurting our authority score and disavowing those links to make sure that we have strong inbound links, and strong authority links to make sure that we are indispensable in maintaining a strong SEO profile.
So those are some of the things that you can do to maintain a strong link profile and high authority score and kind of making sure that you are not so confused by the SEO process in 2024. And that's how you can unlock SEO ranking success.