HealthTech Marketing

With the saturation, regulation and sheer noise of both the healthcare and tech industries, it’s harder than ever for healthtech brands to go to market, let alone reach the heights of success of their dreams.
Mistakes in branding, messaging and targeting can stifle growth or—even worse—cause a startup to totally flatline. What innovative healthcare and healthtech companies need is sustainable elevation from marketers with experience in rapidly changing, highly regulated industries.
Hello. That’s us! 👋
We Turn Numbers Into Narratives
At EMB, we start by leading healthtech clients through our strategic, streamlined Discovery process to deeply understand your brand and competitors. We dissect industry data and turn the numbers into impactful insights that connect and move your audience.
Our goal is to generate a wide groundswell within an industry that often has a narrow path to growth. Whether your customers are big-thinking execs or solutions-seeking techs, we tell narratives that educate and inspire.
Thankfully, with your knowledge of running the business and our skill in connecting with audiences, together we can build brand awareness that elevates your brand to the next level and beyond.
Who We've Elevated
We’re the healthtech marketing agency partner you’ve been looking for. And we have the success stories to prove it.

O2 Concepts
This medtech innovator was brimming with ideas and potential but stuck in a stagnant industry. They brought our team in to not only magnify their identity but to change an entire industry. Within three years of working together, O2 Concepts sold at 10X their valuation to private equity, so we think the results speak for themselves.

Dr. Alfred Atanda is a Fellowship-trained pediatric sports medicine orthopedic surgeon with 10+ years of experience in treating youth athletes. But more importantly, he's a father who wants to make a more direct impact on patients' lives, so we built him a personal brand to launch his telehealth platform. (Check out that logo!)

The worst part about breaking a bone—aside from breaking a bone—is being restricted by your injury. ActivArmor changed all that by designing a revolutionary custom 3D printed cast that's waterproof, removable, sustainable and made in an array of fun colors. The coolest part? Providers can use an app to scan patients' injuries!

Synterex is a woman- and disability-owned company supporting the clinical and regulatory space through consulting, communications, regulatory, information technology and other services. They are truly changing the world—sometimes right within Microsoft Word with their custom-developed software solutions.
How We Make It Happen
We may not know how to plug in a pacemaker but we do know how to tug at the heartstrings. EMB marketers do more than create campaigns audiences can see; we create healthtech messages audiences can feel.
It begins with an in-depth, 30-day Discovery phase. This includes an interactive Digital Mindmap to understand your goals, challenges and needs, moves on to a Creative Mindmap to get a good grasp of your brand identity, and ends with a data-driven Roadmap report. Collectively, these let us build a bespoke scope of work that meets the needs of your specific brand within the healthtech space. This may include SEO, social content creation and management, web design, audience persona research and development, or anything in between.
If it’ll help your healthcare tech company build a brand and connect with an audience, we’ll do it.

Here’s the bottom line: lasting relationships are built on trust, you can’t trust what you don’t know, and you can’t know what you don’t understand. Thankfully, we understand marketing, and you understand healthtech, so let’s team up to elevate your messaging together.